HELP US BUILD the future

We are in the second phase of our three part journey to help make a better world for the spinal cord injury community. We need you to help us on this journey. See the different steps below that we will take to get there:


Listen (Phase 1)

In 2023-2024 we interviewed over 100 people with spinal cord injury, family caregivers, and housing and healthcare professionals from across Canada.

We’re listening to those living with and aging with spinal cord injury and family caregivers to discover more about their needs in and around their homes. 


Survey (Phase 2)

Happening now!

Together with people living with spinal cord injury, we have designed a home needs and priorities survey. We are currently gathering data by surveying up to 350 people with spinal cord injury across Canada. 

Interested? Learn more about how you can participate. 

Create Together (Phase 3)

We will gather a design team of people living with spinal cord injury, researchers, and professionals in accessible housing to co-create an evidence-based informational toolkit.



We aim to make the Home Accessibility Toolkit free and widely available to support the spinal cord injury community.


We aim to publish the study results and make study materials and de-identified study data available to support research and knowledge transfer on accessible housing for people living with disability. 

This work is made possible by funding from the  

Craig H. Neilsen Foundation  

and in partnership with

Spinal Cord Injury Ontario

Spinal Cord Injury Ontario Logo - simple wheelchair stick figure in pink and blue brushed style lines beside the text, Spinal Cord Injury Ontario (English and French)
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We'd Love to hear from you Say Hello! 🙂

Our Phone Number: (416) 226-6780 Ext 57605
Email Address: HousingStudy@Sunnybrook.ca


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